

Studio Classes


Cycle Party

It’s a party on a bike! This is the most fun you’ve ever had working out. Clip in and party with us.


Our boxing classes are fun and challenging for everyone. New to boxing? No problem - we will work on fundamentals and getting comfortable hitting a bag. Boxing pro? Let loose and beat these bags up!


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is meant to help you maximize results in a short amount of time. All fitness levels are welcome in this class. Expect a variety of body weight, strength training and cardio exercises in this class to give you an all around great workout.

Box & Lift

3 minute rounds switching between boxing and lifting. You’ll gain strength, power and endurance in this class.


Ready to do it all? Weights, bands and your own bodyweight come together to give you an awesome workout. Lower impact modifications are given for beginners.

Yoga Flow

This is an all levels class in a Vinyasa Yoga style where you will flow through poses using your breath.


Gain strength and power in this class using dumbbells, bands and other equipment. It is designed to help you gain more lean muscle mass and leave you feeling strong.

Cycle & Lift

60 minutes of our Cycle Party & Lift classes combined.

Cycle & Flow

60 minutes of our Cycle Party & Yoga Flow classes combined.

Sign up now!